Wednesday, December 10, 2008

my exam times

today i realised that during exam times i tend to get a bit more self-cocerned.this is the time when people start to hate me and i am like "hey ,yaar whaat have i done to deserve this?". the self-concerned i mean is,see , i don't study regularly so at the elevnth hour i make a point that i will clear the subject with atmost sincerity. but in this process i tend to become more of serious guy who doesn't speak to anyone or make any jokes nothing, nothing at all. people start thinking this guy is sick such a moody bastard and i still sit quiet.u see i have this feeling of doing things as multi-tasking i know this is not a good habbit but i feel it is the time to work on it so i follow such agendas.
secondly,i think that my concentration is poor so i try to read lines loudly with concentration, in meanwhile if someone asks me a favour i just dont make a eye contact and give responses.again a cause of agitation against me.these are the harsh realities that i face every exams and i have realised yet this things keep happening to me. i know i am the sole responsible person to it and i woundn't like to blame anyone for it too but this is sad reality that i need to consider and work on it.
other than exam times i am as cool as mist never making things complicated just taking things as they are. such great days i need to cope with make studies quite simple and behave as a normal person even in hard times.